If you are already a member of one of our churches, we urge you to be regular in worship and faithful in living your faith in your daily life of witness and work.
If you are not a member of any church, you are welcome to attend the church of your choice. Should you wish information concerning the teachings of a particular church or the way by which you could become a member, please contact the pastor of that church.

United Methodist Church
407 4th Avenue
Cando, ND 58324
Phone: (701) 968-3361
Rolla UMC Worship: 8:30am
Rock Lake UMC Worship: 9:45am
Cando Sunday School: 10:15am
Cando UMC Worship: 11:15am

Assembly of God Church
South 11th Street
Cando, ND 58324
Phone: (701) 968-3594
Pastor: Michael Rohrer
Email: mcrohrer@gondtc.com
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship Services: 10:45am
Like us on Facebook for upcoming events!

Cando Lutheran Church
304 5th Avenue
PO Box 644
Cando, ND 58324
Phone: (701) 968-3105
Pastor: Bonnie Weaver
Email: candolutheran@gondtc.com
Worship Services: 9:00am
Like us on Facebook for upcoming events!

Christian Fellowship Church
620 3rd Avenue
Cando, ND 58324
Phone: (701) 968-3248
Pastor: Jeff Peters
Email: cfc@gondtc.com
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship Services: 10:00am
Like us on Facebook for upcoming events!

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
304 3rd Avenue
Cando, ND 58324
Phone: (701) 968-3462 (Rectory)
(701) 968-3830 (Education Center)
Father Daniel Musgrave
Sunday Mass
9:00am in odd months
11:00am in even months
Saturday Mass: 5:00pm
Lakeview Lutheran Church-AFLC
323 Olmstead Street
Egeland, ND 58331
Pastor: Rob Buechler
Sunday Worship: 8:30am
Holy Communion on the 1st + 3rd Sundays of the month
Trinity-Bergen Lutheran-AFLC
309 Main Street
Starkweather, ND 58377
Phone: (701) 292-4361
Pastor: Rob Buechler
Sunday Worship: 10:30am
Holy Communion on the 2nd + 4th Sundays of the month